Saturday, September 20, 2014

100 Days of Empties Challenge

How IOS 8 Made this Post Happen

Hey, Y'all! Where've ya been all my life? The real question is where have I been. 

Busy. Work-traveling 80% o' the time leaves little time for the best parts of life = writing about all my beauty mania. I have no delusions that thousands (ok. ok; let's be honest, *dozens*...) of folks were waiting with bated breath for my next post 7 months later... Regardless, I enjoy just knowing a few will skim it quickly. 
{Gals, I am fully aware - and unashamed - that I'm super long-winded; so skimming is understandable.}

What drew me out from the land of the blogging dead, you ask? It all started with IOS 8. Yep. I'm generally fine with not updating my phone all that often, seeing as I have like 1200 photos. There's just never enough gigs. The hubs forced me to import them all and upgrade. And then it happened:

Beauty and the Bibliophile

<<< Every #notd, #fotd, #bbloggers, and #empties post flashed before my iPhoto eyes; and I found myself longing for some more beauty talk in my life. It's like when you see an old friend and realize how much you missed her. You think: "How did I ever let us grow apart?" >>>

On top of that, one of my favorite instagram accounts has been posting her #100DaysofEmpties challenge for a while now, and I just enjoy reading her reviews. Therefore, IOS 8 + @BeautyEmpties = "I'm baaaaaaaaaaack!" 
(Did you hear that in my creepy movie voice? Good.)

Wanna know how good I am at reviewing empties?? Just check me out here (pre-detox days) and here (post-detox days)!


Simple: In order to buy something or use something new, something has to go. For the next 100 days (ending Dec 29th - the day after my big 3-0!) I'll post the empty with a small review to help YOU know what to consider or ignore on those oh-so-tempting store (or virtual) shelves.


<< Numero Uno >>
I have TONS (the literal unit of weight measurement) of product. Between my Birchbox subscription (that's currently on hold to pause the sample madness) and past Julep, Ipsy, Ulta and (the real issue) Sephora orders, things have gotsta GO.

<< Numero Dos >>
I struggle (it's real) to NOT spend money on new products. If it was socially acceptable to have as many mascaras, blushes, brushes, shampoos, lipsticks, etc as the number of nail polishes I have, I would need more room in my house and a better paying job. The current situation isn't as bad as some I've seen, but it's not superb, either...

<< Numero Tres >>
It'll hold me more accountable to my beauty routine. I'll be straight with you... It's inconsistent. I've gotten better at washing my face every night (or using facial wipes), but the following serum, eye cream, then night cream (or daytime moisturizer and eye cream) isn't consistent. I'm excited to treat myself a bit better (especially with all the travel stress to counteract). I mean... I have already washed all my brushes tonight and used foot scrub and face mask samples I had today because of this. (And gave myself a mani... Uh-oh. #NOTD on it's way!)

If you're interested in learning about new (possibly, to you) products and whether I give them a thumbs up or down, then head over to my IG account and give a little follow! 
{And if you're scared of commitment, then just for 100 days.}

Or, if you're adventurous and LAUGH in the face of commitment, then join me?

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